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CASS 2021-2022 Strategic Plan

Posted on Wed, Mar 31, 2021 By:
Posted in: Annual Strategic PlanblogSLT Update

The CASS Senior Leadership Team held a two day strategic planning session in early March 2021 where we reviewed the CASS 2021 Employee Engagement Survey, the 2020-2021 Strategic Plan, and our progress to date towards the implementation of that plan. The CASS Senior Leadership Team also completed an analysis of CASS’ Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

In addition to the above, the strategic plan for 2021-2022 was informed by input provided by our departments/programs, committees, staff, clients and other stakeholders. Your input was critical in the development of this plan and is greatly appreciated.

Following that work, the CASS Senior Leadership Team identified four strategic objectives which we will focus our efforts on over the next year and developed a plan as to how those objectives will be achieved.

The strategic plan from the previous fiscal year (2020-2021) is largely being carried forward in the new 2021-2022 strategic plan.

The sudden onset of the Corona virus pandemic in March of 2020 required the CASS Senior Leadership Team to shift our strategic focus to respond to that challenge. As a result of some good strategy and a little bit of luck, the 2020-2021 Strategic Plan was already heavily focused on business continuity and improving the agency’s infrastructure, responsiveness, and overall resiliency. Consequently, the agency did still manage to achieve significant progress towards last year’s objectives.

All strategic objectives from last year’s strategic plan are being carried forward in the 2021-2022 strategic plan.

All strategic objectives carried forward from last year have had their corresponding action items and ideas reviewed and updated.

A new strategic objective to “Build on the agency’s proactive response to Covid-19 pandemic” was added to better track the work that was done on that front in the 2020-2021 fiscal year and also in recognition of the fact that we expect to be contending with the corona virus pandemic for at least the majority of the 2021-2022 fiscal year and possibly beyond.

The CASS Senior Leadership Team is excited to share our 2020-2021 Strategic Plan not just with everyone who works for CASS but with all of our many stakeholders.

We look forward to working with you on these objectives over the coming year.

We encourage you to review the 2021-2022 Strategic Plan (which is linked to at the bottom of this post) and welcome any thoughts or comments that you might have. You can share your input by sending an email to

One response to “CASS 2021-2022 Strategic Plan”

  1. […] session in early March 2022 where we reviewed the CASS 2022 Employee Engagement Survey, the 2021-2022 Strategic Plan, and our progress to date towards the implementation of that […]

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