CASS Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Read More.
Happy sun-shiney day CASS community! Hope you have been refreshed by the rain and energized by the sun these wondrous July days! One of the biggest complaints I heard from folks about the mandated self-isolation protocol is how lonely they feel. Is this you? Or someone you know? Many folks struggled with loneliness far before…
“Be the reason someone feels valued, seen, heard, and important”. This is a quote that has been floating around recently, which feels particularly relevant to the work we do at CASS. When the agency was created in 1988, the vision was to address the inequities that people with disabilities often face such as Isolation, segregation,…
Greetings to you all on a fabulous July Monday morning! On Tuesday, March 17th, the Alberta government declared a state of emergency in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s been 111 days since then. Can you believe it? What a roller-coaster! What have been your ups? your downs? How have you managed to get through…